
Entry (1/2)1  voromby
Elementary words  2  vorona, vy
Part of speech  3  noun
Explanations in French  4  [1.5] litt. "oiseau de fer", avion
Vocabulary  5  Transportation
Synonyms  6  fiaramanidina
Titles  7  Vorom-by (Randriamiadanarivo)

Entry (2/2)8  Vorom-by
Elementary words  9  voromby
Part of speech  10  name (book title) [Full list]
Vocabulary  11  Literature: books
Author  12  Randriamiadanarivo
Publishings  13  Edisiona Salohy, 1977. Pages: 163

Anagrams  14  vombory, voromby, Vorom-by

Updated on 2025/02/08